code analysis
Analysis Tools Website lists a comprehensive set of analysis tools. You may find additional tools on the website of shields which provide the little badges for markdown files, which are often found on github.
- Code quality
- Quality ands security SonarQube or SonarCloud
- codeclimate
- semgrep
- Security
- lgtm (is joining github)
- Analyse Containers, Filesystem, Git Repos Trivy
- Security for dependecies, code, containers and infrastructure-code Snyk
- check git repos for secrets gitguardian
- security check for used libraries dependabot
- kiks scans IaC code for vulnerabilities
- Test coverage (may need additional client library which produce the reports in ci)
- codecov
- coverall
- Tools may need existing reports which are build in ci pipepline
- java
- jacoco
- cobertura
- License check: fossa
- Uptime check: uptimerobot
- python
- security bandit
- bash
- ShellCheck