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Create image form dockerfile

  • docker build <context> builds Docker images from a Dockerfile and a 'context'.
  • context is the set of files located in the specified PATH or URL
  • the context is processed recursively
  • docker build . is used to build a image based on a dockerfile in the current directory.
  • use -t <tageName> to add a tag to the image

Simplistic docker file for java application:

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
COPY target/*.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT["java", "-jar", "app.jar"]

shell form vs. exec form

  • the forms can be distinguished by their syntax.
  • they differ in their behavior.
  • some docker commands like RUN, ENTRYPOINT or CMD can be used in either form.

shell form:

  • syntax: <instruction> <command>
  • like calling /bin/sh -c <command>
  • variable substitution works e.g. exec echo $path
  • application which is started this way will not receiving interrupt signals (like crlt + c)

exec form:

  • syntax: <instruction> ["executable", "arg1", "arg2", ...]
  • like calling: executable directly, so it must be a valid path (/bin/echo instead of echo)
  • preferred for CMD and ENTRYPOINT
  • no variable replacement ($PATH does not work)

dockerfile commands

RUN, CMD and Entrypoint all execute a command, but:

  • RUN creates a new layer on the union file system
  • CMD sets default command to run when container starts. This command can be replaced by another command by calling: docker run -it <image> <command which is used instead>
  • ENTRYPOINT sets default command to run when container starts, but cannot be overwritten (exec and shell form). You can add a CMD without a command/executable afterwards to add further arguments to the entrypoint command which can be overwritten (only in exec form).

--> Use RUN for new layer and prefer ENTRYPOINT over CMD if you do not need to change arguments.

COPY and ADD copy files to an image and create a new layer, but:

  • COPY can only be used on local files
  • ADD can download any URL and extract tar balls

--> use COPY for local files

  • ENV sets a environment variable (ENV path=/opt/) at docker build and during runtime.
  • ARG defines parameters of a docker image which can be overridden when the images is build (e.g. $ docker build --build-arg arg_name=blubb .). only available during build time.

useful images

A list of relatively small images. If present alpine images tend to be the smallest. Docker repositories mostly are organized via the tags (:8-jdk-alpine, :11-jdk-buster etc.).


dockerfile vs. command line

-p vs EXPOSE

EXPORT does not actually publish the given port. It is a documentation for the user. The user of a image needs to export the port via -p flag when running docker run.

--volume vs. VOLUME

VOLUME creates a anonymous volume even when docker run does not specify a --volume parameter.