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  • i highly recommend to activate jdbc traces while developing to see how the driver butchers your sql statements.
  • maven dependecy:
  • does not like semicolons in queries
  • you may need a space at the end of every line. New lines are ignored by the driver.
  • complete query will executed in lowerCase. Casesensitive string compares may therefore be effected. You may want to use the lower() to workaround this issue.
  • you may need to execute Class.forName(""); before calling the connection if you are using jdbc version < 4.0
  • example from ibm:
  • if you want to use Hibernate UUID in DB2, create it in DB with varchar36 so you can edit it by yourself (see @JdbcTypeCode(SqlTypes.VARCHAR))

druid/ avatica core

official doc

  • you can not use all druid sql language features over jdbc so you should consider using the rest api for queries instead
  • jdbc url against broker(default :8082) or router (default :8888) : jdbc:avatica:remote:url=http://localhost:8888/druid/v2/sql/avatica/
  • Drivername: org.apache.calcite.avatica.remote.Driver
  • user: if default not needed
  • pw: if default not needed
  • add driver to classpath:

oracle thin

If you want to query a table which has lower case letters in it, you need to add quotes to the query e.g.:

´´´sql select + from "flyway_schema_history" ´´´

Same goes for fieldnames. By default oracle thin driver send every table and field name in uppercase even if you wrote lowercase letter.

integration into spring boot

  • For mininal setup use spring-boot-starter-jdbc.
  • If you want spring data like access use spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc, but then you may just use spring-data-jpa




public class JdbcConfig{

    private String driverName;
    private String jdbcUrl;
    private String dbUser;
    private String dbPw;

    public Datasource datasource(){
    DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
        return dataSource;


Init JdbcTemplate with Datasource

public YourDao(Datasource datasource){
    this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(datasource);