remove black frame from ulauncher
black Frame
If window effect is disabled there is the chance that there is a black frame around the Ulauncher window. Probably because the compositor ist somehow affected or disabled by the disabling of the window effect in deepin.
In [] someone proposed a workaround which works:
add ‘margin: -20px;’ to the css of a theme. Documentation on how to create an own Theme
Extended white theme:
.app {
box-shadow: 0 0 5px @window_shadow;
background-color: @window_bg;
border: 1px solid @window_border_color;
border-radius: 4px;
margin: -20px; /*override black area when window effect is disabled*/
Extended dark theme:
.app {
background-color: @window_bg;
border-color: @window_border_color;
margin: -20px; /*override black area when window effect is disabled*/