Application Interface
create .desktop files
files put applications in the desktop menu. The files are placed in /usr/share/applications
and ~/.local/share/applications
If the path to executable contains spaces it needs to be put in double quotes. Single quotes do not work.
A nice tool to edit and create such files is MenuLibre:
Install via sudo apt-get install menulibre
afterwards just launch it from command line menulibre
and create e new entry for menulibre itself so it will appear in Applauncher.
default application
The MimeType field in the .desktop file tells the os which files the application can handle. The default application for a MimeType are configured in ~/.config/mimeapps.list
vs code issue (super+e)
Vs code opens when you press super+e instead of the file browser. To resolve the issue add inode/directory = dde-file-manager.desktop;code.desktop;
to ~/.config/mimeapps.list.