- Information on Service: Look into the FAQ
- advisor recommendations
- create graphic:
- IaC:
- google cloud deployment mamnager (GDM) - seems to be maintained but not recommended by google (terraform is promoted instead)
- load attributes of resource as yaml:
gcloud <serviceTier> <service> describe <resourceName>
(matches the field of pulumi native-google) - audit and see erros in deployment:
- Organization
- Project
- Zones
- Regions
# login
gcloud auth login
# list projects in organisation
gcloud projects list
# set default project for commands
gcloud config set project <PROJECT>
# list resources (of default project or --project project)
gcloud asset search-all-resources #--projects <RPOJECT>
roles ref
enable api
const apis = [
'firestore.googleapis.com' // Firestore
const enabledAPIs : gcp.projects.Service[] = [];
apis.forEach(api => {
// Enable the API
const enabledAPI = new gcp.projects.Service(`enable-${api}`, {
service: api,
project: projectId
const database = new gcp.firestore.Database(`${stack}-firestore`, {
locationId: 'eur3',
project: projectId,
}, { dependsOn: enabledAPIs });
service account vs. principal (of service account)
Add roles to service account (principal, not ressource):
// bind role to service account principal
new gcp.projects.IAMBinding(`principal-of-sa-roleassignment`, {
project: gcpProjectId,
role: "roles/secretmanager.admin",
members: ["serviceAccount:sa@gcp-projectname.iam.gserviceaccount.com"],
// bind role to service account resource
new gcp.serviceaccount.IAMBinding`principal-of-sa-roleassignment`, {
serviceAccountId: serviceAccount.id,
role: "roles/secretmanager.admin",
members: ["serviceAccount:sa@gcp-projectname.iam.gserviceaccount.com"],