raspberry pi
- use Etcher to create the image
- add a ssh file to the root of the boot partition to activate ssh like explained here
- start raspberry pi (and connect to lan wire so you can start right away from the remote computer)
- use ssh to connect to rp
- use
sudo raspi-config
to configure the rp - (optional) install pip:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
power off and restart
# shutdown alias
sudo poweroff
# restart alias
sudo reboot
# shutdown
sudo shutdown -h now
# restart
sudo shutdown -r now
install pip
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip
install docker on rp
# install
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
# add use pi to docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker pi
# reboot
sudo reboot
# test setup
docker run hello-world
# hello-world might not work. In this case than use (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52233182/docker-run-does-not-display-any-output)
docker run hypriot/armhf-hello-world
docker images for rp
In order to run on a rp a docker image need to be compiled for arm processor architecture. You can find a list of supported cpu architectures for docker here. To find out which architecture your rp has see. E.g. a rp 2 mod B uses a ARMv7 architecture.
install ranchers k3s kubernetes on rp
the cpu of the rp 2 mod B seems to be to weak to run k3s server. Always on 100% and timeout on kubectl commands
# install k3s on rp and start server ('systemd: Starting k3s' will take a looong time)
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -
# after startup test if it runs
sudo kubectl get nodes
- server node:
- agent node:
why i ditch my rp over a vls
- i want a public ip e.g. to use GitHub webhooks
- via router can be tricky
- via ngrok you do not get a static url
- many docker container wont run on arm
- my rp (2b+) is to weak to run k3s kubernetes