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Spring Boot

helpful commands

  • mvn spring-boot:run compiles and run spring boot application in exploded form (from target directory)
  • To start a RestMock Server use the following gist and start it with spring run SpringRestMock.groovy

initiate example

package de.example;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableScheduling;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;

public class ExampleApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


@SpringBootApplication adds the following annotations:

  1. @Configuration: Tags the class as a source of bean definitions for the application context.
  2. @EnableAutoConfiguration: Tells Spring Boot to start adding beans, based on classpath settings, other beans, and various property settings
  3. @ComponentScan: Tells Spring to look for other components, configurations, and services in the de.example package.

auto configuration

  • @EnableAutoConfiguration: configuration classes are scanned dynamically usually based on jars on classpath
  • Conditional Loading: load (predefined) configurations if specified classes are on the classpath
  • Properties: there are default properties for AutoConfiguration classes. May be overwritten.
  • assumption: auto config is only relevant for -spring-boot-starter- dependencies
  • Good video on insights on LinkedInLearn

Property-based configuration

set/overwrite predefined properties:

  • or application.yml in src/main/resources folder(dev focused)
  • Environment variables
  • command line injections
  • Cloud configuration (most common)

You can define a property file fo the test cases by adding a file to src/test/resources

Bean Configuration

  • adding beans to default application class e.g. as inner class
  • adding bean to separate configuration classes (@Import or autoscan)
  • xml based config (legacy)
  • component scanning (most common) and implemented Interfaces


Profiles allow configuration based on environment (e.g. to set log-level or urls). They leverage the property-based-configuration feature. When using files a Application.yml is more common to use to leverage profiles than

Yaml uses spring.profile to name a profile and --- to mark a section and all properties defined in that section belong to the specified profile.

  profiles: dev
  port: 8000
  profiles: test
  port: 9000

When using you need to create one file per profile with the naming scheme: You can set active profile via environment-variable/jvm-property or directly in the properties/yaml file. Start spring with a specific profile e.g. (java -jar app.jar de.MainClass)


spring-boot-devtools help rapid development

  1. triggered by changes on existing files on classpath
  2. ignores new files on classpath
  3. you may need to adjust IDE settings to work
  4. added via maven dependecy
  5. Output on console "LiveReload Server is Running"

Also adds h2 console on http://localhost:8080/h2-console. You may need override the "JDBC URL" with the one from the startup console message from spring boot. If you do not use devtools and want the h2 console you need to add spring.h2.console.enabled=true property.


  • Standard: Jar with all dependencies included (Fat Jar, Shaded Jar) and also executable
  • if war needed:
    1. set maven artifact to war
    2. exclude spring-bootstarter-tomcat from spring-boot-starter-web
  • remember that spring-web and spring-boot-starter-web are different things!

CommandLineRunner & ApplicationRunner

  • can be used for plain programming stuff like admin tasks.
  • are executed when application is started.
  • need to implement the interface and overwrite the run method
  • CommandLineRunner run method got plain string array of arguments as parameter.
  • ApplicationRunner run method got ApplicationArguments Parameter which has convenience methods for typical command line arguments


  • config of tomcat via:
    1. property
    2. or via @WebFilter, @WebServler, @WebListener annotated classes
  • MVC pattern is used for ReST as well
    1. view: mimetype
    2. controller: Resource Controller (@RestController)
    3. model: Resource Representation Class

spring boot data (spring-boot-starter-data-*)

  • database drivers are configured by properties
  • one database can be autoconfigured
  • Controlling Database Creation:
    • If spring finds a data.sql and a scheme.sql on classpath it will use it
    • To prevent overwrite set the property spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=false
  • In order to run test it is common to add com.h2database.h2 dependency in maven.

actuator (spring-boot-starter-actuator)


  • give insight into an application
  • allow monitoring
  • allows to change configuration settings via jmx
  • libraries changed frequently in spring.
  • actuator endpoints can be configured via properties management.endpoint.*
  • you should activate security (ENDPOINT_ADMIN)
  • only for dev deactivate all actuators by adding management.endoints.web.exposure.include=* property

Predefined endpoints:

  1. Health endpoint
    • application status
    • status of dependencies (db, etc.)
  2. Info endpoint:
    • maintainer
    • git commit
    • build number

JXM Functions:

  • list of bean
  • state of environment
  • dumps
  • url mappings
  • metrics

spring boot security (spring-boot-starter-security)

General note: use Bcrypt for password hashing.

basic auth

  • can be configured by properties
  • default when security starter is not configured.
    • forced for all urls.
    • Username is: user
    • password is logged in console at startup

Form based auth

  • configured by:
    1. extend WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
    2. annotate @EnableWebSecurity to activate form-based Auth in favor of BasicAuth
    3. annotate @Configuration
  • overwrite method configure to define where auth is needed
  • you need to be cautious to consider every part of the path
  • you need to allow access to login page
  • AuthenticationManagerBuilder is used to config where passwords are stored (it is possible to save user and password in code)
  • Use thymeleaf to create the authentication html form. Serve it with a @Controller and @GetMapping (Return a String with the Name of the thymeleaf file without file ending)


  • Possible providers are GitHub, Google, Facebook etc.
  • can be configured via properties.
  • or via Java config:
    • @EnableOAuth2Client is used to config a client
    • @EnableAuthorizationServer is used to config a server
  • Client dependency spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client