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Spring Boot Data


  • Spring data is like a generic entity access object.
  • It functions as a layer above JPA or other ORM mapper specifications.
  • It uses the Repository pattern

  • The base interface is Repository, which expects a Entity T and a Type for the ID as generic. It functions as a marker for spring to find classes which extends it.

  • CrudRepository (extends Repository) - gives crud methods
  • JPARepository (extends CrudRepository) - adds flush and further jpa specific methods

For each domain object you need:

  1. entity class
  2. a repository interface which extends Repository or a child of it

initialize database

The easiest way is to use initializer scripts. Save a the following files under resoures/:

  1. schema.sql for defining the table schemas
  2. data.sql for adding data to the tables

If you want to use scheme.sql you should deactivate auto ddl via property spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=None. Auto DDL creates the tables according to the entity classes.


In order to activate transactions in spring data you should annotate a service class with @Transactional. All code whcih is called form hence on is transactional. if a exception occurs the whole commit in thr database is rolled back.

query methods

Query methods allow to search for entities in the database. You do not need to implement the query methods. Spring data will generate the necessary code at startup if the used syntax is correct (does not check semantic at startup) and it will throw an error if it not ok. Query methods support Optional as return type wrapper.

You can use query methods:

  1. add method signatures which are conform to property expressions
  2. add @Query("") annotation to a method signature
  3. use the standard methods of a repository interfaces

The following examples are valid for use with jpa repository (and therefore relational databases). They may not be used on document based databases such as mongo db.

Property Expressions

Add methods signatures to your repository which name must follow the rules of Property Expression language. You do not need to implement the mehods. They will work out of the box. If the Property Expressions git Systax error spring will tell you at the startup of the server.

The method signature must follow the rules of property expressions:

  1. return type of the searched entity
  2. "findBy"
  3. entity attribute name in camel case
  4. chain further findBy (optinal)
  5. Parameter which matches the type of the searched attributes. It is possible to search with primitive types as well as with references entity objects.

Example method signature:

public interface ExmapleRepository extends CrudInterface<Student,Integer>
    Student findByStudentId(Integer id);
    Student findByStudentIdAndAge(Integer studentId, Integer age);
    List<Student> findByAgeGreaterThan(int minimumAge);
    List<Student> findByAgeLessThan(int maximumAge);
    List<Student> findByLastNameLike(String likeString);
    List<Student> findByLastNameIgnoreCase(String lastName);
    Student findFirstByOrderByLastNameAsc();
    Student findTopByOrderByAgeDesc();
    List<Student> findTop3ByOrderByAgeDesc();

public class Student {
    private Integer studentId;

    private boolean fullTime;

    private Integer age;

    private String lastName
    // getter and setter ...

Valid return types (source):

  • void
  • Primitives
  • Wrapper types
  • T
  • Iterator
  • Collection
  • List
  • Optional
  • Option
  • Stream
  • Streamable
  • Types that implement Streamable and take a Streamable constructor or factory method argument
  • Vavr Seq, List, Map, Set
  • Future
  • CompletableFuture
  • ListenableFuture
  • Slice
  • Page
  • GeoResult
  • GeoResults
  • GeoPage
  • Mono
  • Flux
  • Single
  • Maybe
  • Flowable

@Query annotation

  • Annotate a method with the @Query annotation.
  • The method signature
  • must contain a correct return type
  • and parameter if (named /numbered) query parameters are used (:id / ?1). The parameter must be annotated with @Param if named query parameters are used.
  • can execute
  • JPQL @Query("JPQL query")
  • or SQL @Query(value="SQL query", nativeQuery=true)

paging and sorting

paging an sorting can be achieved by:

  1. implementing the PagingAndSortingRepository<> repo (only standard queries are pagable and sortable)
  2. or manually by:
  3. add Parameter of type Pageable to method
  4. Return Page<> object from method
  5. when calling method use PageRequest.of() to create Object of type Pageable

Query by example

  • search for objects similar to a another one
  • works with all data sources
  • limited features
  • To use need to extends QueryByExampleExecutor Interface.
List<Teacher> cologneTeacher = teacherRepository.findOne(Example.of(new Teacher(null, "Cologne")));
// or
List<Teacher> cologneTeacher = teacherRepository.findOne(new Teacher(null, "Cologne"),


  • Another way to query data.
  • You can use the QueryDslPredicateExecutor to execute so called BooleanExpressions.

Spring data REST

Spring data rest exposes the query methods for every entity as rest webservices. To use add spring-boot-starter-data-rest dependency to the project.

  • Finds all spring data repositories
  • creates endpoint for every entity
  • appends an s
  • exposes the repository methods as a Rest Webservice
  • custom methods can be found unter s/search/

The mapping is described here.

Repository detection strategies:

  1. default: expose all public repository interfaces, but respects exported flag of @(Repository)RestResource annotation
  2. all: expose all repository interfaces
  3. annotated: only repositories annotated with @(Repository)RestResource (unless exported flag is set to false)
  4. visibility: only public repositories


logging when entity is created and who created it.

  1. Use Annotation on fields:
  2. @CreatedDate
  3. @LastModifiedBy
  4. or extend the abstract AbstractAuditable<> class

for user info you need to wire up the AuditorAware<> interface from spring security

spring config server

If a spring config server is used, the clients must have the following things set:

  1. which corresponds to the the directory in the config git Repository in which the appliyation.yaml lays
  2. which points to the endpoit
  3. The spring-cloud-dependencies an a explizit version for it

further notable repositories

[Full list]

  • spring data ldap
  • JDBC Repository - for direct access to db via sql (without features like caching or lazy loading)
  • reactive repositories - uses non blocking calls (which run in a eventloop inside one thread just like in javascript)
  • GemFire
  • spring data key value (high level api for key-value store like redis)
  • spring data redis (usable as database, cache, and message broker)
  • MongoDb Repository
  • spring data apache cassandra
  • spring data apache solr (search engine)
  • Community modules listed under