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Vagrant uses providers, provisioners, boxes, and Vagrantfiles as building blocks of the virtual machines.

  • Provider: Services to set up and create virtual environments (e.g. VirtualBox)
  • Provisioner: Tools to customize the configuration of virtual environments. Vagrant has built built-in providers for uploading files, syncing directories or executing shell commands
  • Vagrantfile: Configuration file and file name (Vagrantfile) for virtual environments.
  • Box: Format and an extension (*.box) for virtual environments. Boxes can be downloaded from the Vagrant Cloud and copied from one machine to another in order to to replicate an environment.

Vagrant file + Boxes

Initially created with cli and a box name e.g: vagrant init opensuse/Tumbleweed.x86_64.

You can find public available boxes on

reaload provosion

vagrant reload --provision 
# or 
vagrant destroy -f && vagrant up

SSH into vagrant box without 'vagrant ssh'

# save the config to a file
vagrant ssh-config > vagrant-ssh

# run ssh with the file.
ssh -F vagrant-ssh default


connect with ansible to vagrant box

vagrant ssh-config > vagrant-ssh.cfg

You can refence the ssh config in ansible by adding the following to a host_var file:

ansible_ssh_common_args: '-F ./host_vars/VAGRANT/vagrant-ssh.cfg'
# must match host in vagrant-ssh.cfg
ansible_ssh_host: default


vagrant autocomplete install --bash ##--zsh
vagrant box list

increase ram and cpu

Add the following to Vagrantfile

  # 4 gb, 2 cores
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
    v.memory = 4000
    v.cpus = 2

increase swap size

Is controled by vm image. If you want to increase the size you ned to run a provision script by adding the following to Vagrantfile:

  config.vm.provision "shell", path: "./"

The content of ./ could look like this (Source):


# size of swapfile in megabytes

# does the swap file already exist?
grep -q "swapfile" /etc/fstab

# if not then create it
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo 'swapfile not found. Adding swapfile.'
    fallocate -l ${swapsize}M /swapfile
    chmod 600 /swapfile
    mkswap /swapfile
    swapon /swapfile
    echo '/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab
    echo 'swapfile found. No changes made.'

# output results to terminal
cat /proc/swaps
cat /proc/meminfo | grep Swap

forward port "forwarded_port", guest: 8080, host: 8080

Copy files

config.vm.provision "file", source: "~/.gitconfig", destination: ".gitconfig"