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Vue JS

Vue style guide Vue instance properties

vue cli

Vue clie allows to easily scafffold a vue project:

  • install vie npm install -g @vue/cli
  • create project:
  • vue ui is ui guided
  • vue create my-project

To set environmental variables in vue during transpile time:

  • use .env-XXX files in the root of the project to define variables
  • .env global definition
  • .env.local ignored by git
  • .env.development default used by npm serve/vue-cli-service serve
  • .env.production default used by npm build/ vue-cli-service build
  • variables need to starts with VUE_APP_
  • usage in code with process.env.VUE_APP_


  • the vue core library focuses on view layer only
  • can be used via cdn or with vue-cli scafffolded project (with webpack, babel etc.)
  • allows to bind js variables with html content
  • reactivly change content on html page when js variable changes.
  • No need for direct DOM manipulation
  • declarative rendering via template syntax in html {{}}
  • two way binding via v-model writable html fields
  • v-if for conditional rendering
  • v-for for loops
  • v-event for binding events to function. The feature here is that the function do not need to manipulate the dom directly.
  • concept which works like Custom Elements of the web components standard

vue instance

  • You need at least one Vue instance to start a application.
  • Loosely coupled to the Model–view–viewmodel (MVVM) and the Vue instance is the viewmodel(vm) and the html the view.
  • The component system also use Vue instances
  • the data property of a Vue object is used to reactly injected into the dom. (you can not define new fields in data after the page was rendered)
  • Vue instance properties relevant (full list):
    • data
    • el
    • computed
    • methods
    • watch
  • vue lifecycle is shown in this graphic. An overview of the lifecylce is:
    • set up data observation
    • compile the template
    • mount the instance to the DOM
    • update the DOM when data changes
  • there are lifecylce hooks for the different events. These are functions with a predefined name (like created or mounted). Here is the full list.

template syntax

  • allows to declaratively bind the rendered DOM to the vue instance
  • Vue templates are valid HTML
  • Vue uses a virtual DOM to optimize the operations on the real DOM


  • bind (uninterpreted/escaped) text with mustache syntax: {{}}
  • bind html with: v-html directive
  • bind attributes with: v-bind: before the attribute or just :
  • bind events with: v-on before the event name or just @
  • Use (one) javascript expression between curlys: {{ text.split('') }} (They do have access to the data property and a few global)
  • directives link to a javascript expression and are started with v- (predefined examples are v-for, v-if)
  • some directives take arguments (like v-bind(:="") does which takes the attributes value as an argument)
  • directives can also take dynamic arguments which are javascript expression in square brackets. An example is <a v-bind:[attributeName]="url"> ... </a>. But there are constraints on this feature.
  • modifiers are postfixes of directives which starts with a .

computed properties

  • Have the same function as the inline javascript expression between curlys in html
  • Allows to move this code to a function defined inside the computed field of the Vue instance
  • called with just the name of the computed expressions (so without the braces () of the funciton)
  • If a field inside the data field changes vue will automagically update all bindings of a computed properties which use this field as well
  • unfavourable but more flexible alternatives:
    • vue instance methods, because computed properties are cached
    • watched properties, because their sytanx is imperative and tends to be verbose

style binding

  • v-bind has a special features when binded to class and style attribute
  • toggle a single class with a isActive property: v-bind:class="{ preDefinedClass: isActive }"
  • toggle multiple classes: v-bind:class="{ preDefinedClass: isActive, 'my-class-name': show }"
  • have static class and toggled class: class="static" v-bind:class="{ classDefinedInProperty: isActive }
  • it is also possbile to define no inline expression but a data property or a computed expression for the class toggling logic
  • add list of classes with an array syntax : v-bind:class="[class1, class2]"
  • bind to style attribute is similar see

conditional rendering and list rendering

  • add v-if attribute to a element to conditionally render it
  • has effect on all nested elements
  • there are also v-else and v-else-if
  • allows to build input forms which do not delete its content when the user change to a different option
  • if you want to prevent this behaviour you need to add a key attribute
  • v-show is similar to v-if but it keeps the elements in the dom at all times (only toggles the display CSS property)

list rendering

  • use v-for="item in items" to print an elements for every item in the items field of data
  • vue only propagate changes to the DOM when the following methods are used: push(), pop(), shift(), unshift(), splice(), sort(), reverse()
  • for filtering iterate on computed properties instead of the property directly


  • use v-on:<event> or @<event> directive
  • you can use inline exrepssion or a directive call in the vue instance to define the behaviour when the event happends
  • to pass the event reference to the method handler add a $event parameter in the template

form input bindings

  • you can two way data bind a input field inside a form element with v-model
  • the initial value will be picked from the data binding not the value in the html template
  • the events to update a data binding from template are:
    • input event on the value property for text and textarea
    • change event on the checked property for checkboxes and radiobuttons
    • change event on the value property for select fields
  • there are modifiers to add some behavoiur to the data binding (.lazy, .trim etc.)